Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I don't know what day it is cause I've been up all night...

Last Tuesday I went with my good friend Michelle to see Best Coast, Those Darlins, and Filmstrip, at Beachland Ballroom, and it was an awesome show.

The first band to play, Filmstrip, is a local Cleveland three piece rock band. They were pretty good for a small band, but they were given a pretty short set. Beachland Ballroom usually always allows a local band to open for the acts coming, they are very into giving local bands support, so if you'd like to give Filstrip a listen go ahead and click on their name above, it's linked to their bandcamp.

Those Darlins is a girl led rock band, they were just awesome, they rocked the house, honestly more than Best Coast, the main act! The duo Nikki and Jessi both sing lead, and their chemistry was awesome they were so excited and crazy and made sure everyone was dancing.

(Sorry about my poor picture quality, my camera isn't the best.)
Here's my favorite Those Darlins song, hopefully you give it a listen:

After Those Darlins amazing performance, Best Coast finally came out! I love Best Coast, they are also a girl led band, the lead singer is Bethany Consentino, she had a beautiful voice and her music is so dreamy and entrancing, whether it's a slow or fast song.

And now I'll cut to another super poor quality picture....

Here's a few of her songs, one of which being my post title :)

Overall, it was a great night, Those Darlins are actually coming back to Cleveland on Halloween, so guess where my friends and I will be?
Have you been to any fun concerts lately or know of any cool local bands worth giving a listen?

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