Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lazy Day

That red pepper hummus is my new favorite!!

Go USA! Who else has been watching the olympics?!
(also sorry for not wearing makeup, it was a lazy day haha)

I've been working pretty much non stop lately, usually until 1 or 2 in the morning, and on top of that I go to my internship in the mornings, so yesterday I had a lazy day. I got up early, got some movies and treats, and came right back home and shut off my phone. It was so nice to just sit and relax, I got to paint my nails and drink some tea, watch some movies, and read, just what I needed. Do you ever have days to just relax, what do you do when you need to de-stress?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Music Monday #2

This week's Music Monday will be featuring Fitz and the Tantrums!!

I just recently discovered them and I love their old sound, and they both have beautiful voices, so check them out and let me know what you think!

Sunday Book Review #2

Hi all! Ok so technically it's early Monday morning, being 2am, but I worked all day and had no time to post my book review earlier. Apologies aside, I'll get straight into the review:) This week's book was Divergent by Veronica Roth.


This book was AMAZING!!!! I haven't read a really good post apocalyptic world sci-fi book since Hunger Games came out a few years ago. This story is about a world in which people are separated into different factions; Abnegation, Candor, Erudite, Dauntless, and Amity. Each faction has a different lifestyle belief, and every person at the age of 16 must get tested to see which faction their mindset belongs to. They can either choose to stay with the faction they grew up in, or leave and join another. The story follows a girl named Beatrice, who was born into Abnegation, a faction which believes in being selfless at all times, for Dauntless, a faction which prides themselves in being brave and showing their bravery by doing risky things. The issue is that Beatrice's test results came back as Divergent, which is a very dangerous, and she was told to tell no one. So she and the other teens who chose Dauntless had to go through a violent and fast paced initiation, in which only a certain number of people would make it, and some would become factionless, which was a dismal way to live. Eventually, Beatrice begins to realize just how different she really is, as the story turns to reveal a plot by the Erudite to use the Dauntless as army drones to kill off Abnegation, and so the story turns to Beatrice fighting against her new faction to save her old one.
This book is the first of a trilogy and I will definitely be reading the next two! I give this book a 5/5. Have you read Divergent? What did you think about it?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Music Monday!! #1

I love music. All kinds, from indie, to country, to musicals, to (some) rap, pop, rockabilly, pretty much anything I'll listen to once. So I decided to share a band and a song each week that I love, maybe you love, or you will check out after you take a listen, because I've found some of my favorite bands this way.

This week I will be featuring The Lumineers!

 I actually found The Lumineers watching Hulu, this song was in a Bing commercial which played every break of the series I was watching, and it got stuck in my head. It's such a happy, sweet song, and I even got the rest of their album, which is amazing! You should check them out, let me know what you think!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday Book Review #1

So I wanted to start off by creating a few weekly features, the first being a book review! I love reading, I used to read so much more than I do now, since I'm reaching the end of my schooling and am usually engulfed in history books, as well as juggling an internship and my retail job. So this is a way to renew my love for reading for fun, and to make sure I don't slow down again! And so after that super long introduction, I'll show the first book I'll be reviewing, and it's slightly controversial, but I read it because I figured it would be a quick read and I wanted to know what the hype was all about, and that book is Fifty Shades of Grey.


       So, this book is the beginning of a trilogy by E.L.James, and almost everywhere I turn on the internet this book is being talked about. Now, for the sake of being appropriate for the blog, I won't go into any of the less desirable details, but instead talk about the writing, the characters, and why I feel like this book is so popular.
      First things first, the actual writing of this book, in my opinion, isn't very good. Just sometimes the way lines were repeated being beaten into your head, so obviously trying to create a theme was a bit annoying at times. On the other hand, the writing being so simple allowed me to read this rather quickly, over about a day and half.
     The characters in this story really make the book, and this is, I feel, why so many people are drawn in and continue to read this book. The relationship between Christian Grey and Anastasia is magnetic, and you become so engulfed in their story, trying to figure out will they work out their agreement or if they will actually fall in love in some twisted way. Christian Grey is a surprisingly deep character, maybe that's just me and I got drawn into his mysteriousness along with all the other women secretly reading this on their kindles. He has a lot of secrets in his past, and reveals very little of himself, but more than he ever has to anyone except Anastasia.
     Overall, this book is exactly what it's broadcast to be, an unrealistic, controversial romance novel. Even though the writing was so-so, it surprises me to say I would read the other two books in the trilogy. I give this book a rating of 3/5.
If anyone else has read this, what did you think of it?